Roel Vugts (@RoelVugts)
Thanks! This might also be a good solution. Although it has to be implemented in a real-time system and with large delay settings, i suspect there might be some...
Interesting, i think i get what you are saying. I'll have a look at the blog post and see if this works for me.
For any filter other than an allpass filter, yes. But i feel like allpass filters need different controls. I noticed that when cascading 2nd order allpass filters,...
Thanks for your help. The ultimate goal is to have an audio processing algorithm where the filter order is controlled by a slider. Instead of having a stepped slider...
Hi,I would like to create a fractional order allpass filter but i'm not sure how to do this or if it is even possible.I currently have a 10th order allpass filter...
Thanks for you reply.A 2nd order allpass has a ‘center’ frequency where it has a phase response of pi. That’s what i mean with cutoff frequency. With frequency...
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