Colin Almond (@MrColly)
Hi Fred,It's been a while, but this thread still seems to be near the top of the pile.Surely, the best interpretation of your time signal, ones(1,16)/16) (Matlab...
Hi Rick,Thanks again for taking the time and effort to reply.I would argue that the spectrum of a sine wave should be a Dirac delta function.I think our differences...
Thank you very much to everyone who has replied. I have been rather overwhelmed by the response. It may take me a while to fully comprehend all the replies, but...
I am having difficulties accepting the validity of FFT interpolation / time domain zero padding. When a section of time data of length T is selected from which...
Hi melyilI haven't checked through your Matlab program in detail, but I think your best approach would be to convert the hydrophone signal to Pa as soon as it is...
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