

Re: Any fancy idea for an algorithm ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/20/2017)
@Tim Wescott I understand that it might sound confusing. Please have a look at Fred Marshall response he understood well what I want."match" vs. "no match" ->...

Re: Any fancy idea for an algorithm ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/20/2017)
@Fred Marshall Well, I would like to give you more specificities but it is confidential so I really try my best to overcome this issue without finishing in jail...

Re: Any fancy idea for an algorithm ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/20/2017)
Hey Kaz. You mean like a kind of 2D image cross correlation pixels by pixels with some weighting ? But instead of defining pixels you just proceed with independent,...

Re: Any fancy idea for an algorithm ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/20/2017)
Thank for your response all of you. (@charansai  @Tim Wescott @Slartibartfast)The point is to quantify how much these 2 results are different, how could we quantify...

Any fancy idea for an algorithm ?

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi everyone ,I'm looking for ideas in order to implement an algorithm that would be able to compare these 2 plots, these are 3D data. I work with Matlab.Of course...

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