“Improved” MZT/IIM type One pole LPF
Started by 5 years ago●2 replies●latest reply 5 years ago●221 viewsSome time ago, while playing with all kind of approximations of common math functions, I came up to this idea to use a low degree Taylor polynomial for to calculate a1 coefficient for a one pole MZT (Matched Z-transform) based LPF filter:
a1 = −(1.0 + x + 0.5 * x * x)
x = 1/(fs*T),
fs = samplerate (Hz),
T = time constant (μs)
so the final filter would be (Octave code):
Someone, with better math skills than what I have, can probably improve this idea by finding better polynomial with suitable error to better cancel the error in MZT/IIM method.
NOTE: There are few well known methods available to improve the MZT/IIM type filters as like these:
Jackson http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnum...
Mecklenbräuker http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S...
Nelatury http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S...
and BLT type filters
Michael Massberg http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16077
which all are more complicated and are also more portable methods. My target is speed (realtime use) and improved responses of one pole LPF. I've measured (implementation as c/c++ function) this approximation method about 20 times faster than using std::exp function.
Any thoughts on possible drawbacks in this implementation. Is that phase response a bad thing?
a1 = −(1.0 + x + 0.5 * x * x)
x = 1/(fs*T),
fs = samplerate (Hz),
T = time constant (μs)
so the final filter would be (Octave code):
% -------------------- % OCTAVE PACKAGES % -------------------- pkg load signal % -------------------- clf fs = 44100; fc = 10000; fct= 1/(2 * pi * fc); fs2= fs/2; N = 1; % ==================== % MZT approximated % ==================== x = 1.0/(fs*fct); MZTa0 = 1.0; MZTa1 = -(1 + x + 0.5 * x^2); MZTb0 = MZTa0 + MZTa1; MZTb1 = 0.0; MZTa = [MZTa0 MZTa1]; MZTb = [MZTb0 MZTb1]; MZT2=tf(MZTb, MZTa, 1/fs); % COMPARISONS % -------------------- % Analog model % -------------------- w0 = 2*pi*fc; Analogb = 1; Analoga = [1 w0]; Analog = tf(Analogb, Analoga); Analog = Analog/dcgain(Analog); % -------------------- % MZT % -------------------- p1 = exp(-1.0/(fs*(1/(2 * pi * fc)))) z1 = 0.0; MZTa0 = 1.0; MZTa1 = -p1; MZTb0 = 1.0-p1; MZTb1 = -z1; MZTa = [MZTa0 MZTa1]; MZTb = [MZTb0 MZTb1]; MZT=tf(MZTb, MZTa, 1/fs); % -------------------- % IIM % -------------------- [IIMb,IIMa]=impinvar(Analogb,Analoga,fs); IIM=tf(IIMb, IIMa, 1/fs); IIM=IIM/dcgain(IIM); % -------------------- % BLT % -------------------- w0 = 2*pi*(fc/fs); %BLTb0 = sin(w0); %BLTb1 = sin(w0); %BLTa0 = cos(w0) + sin(w0) + 1.0; %BLTa1 = sin(w0) - cos(w0) - 1.0; % %BLTa = [BLTa0 BLTa1]; %BLTb = [BLTb0 BLTb1]; % %BLT=tf(BLTb, BLTa, 1/fs); %BLT=BLT/dcgain(BLT); BLT = c2d(Analog, 1/fs, 'prewarp', w0); % -------------------- % Plot % -------------------- nf = logspace(0, 5, fs2); figure(1); % analog model [mag, pha] = bode(Analog,2*pi*nf); semilogx(nf, 20*log10(abs(mag)), 'color', 'g', 'linewidth', 2); axis([10 fs2 -30 1]); hold on; %semilogx(nf, pha, 'color', 'g', 'linewidth', 2, 'linestyle', '--'); % BLT [mag, pha] = bode(BLT,2*pi*nf); semilogx(nf, 20*log10(abs(mag)), 'color', 'm', 'linewidth', 1.0, 'linestyle', '-'); %semilogx(nf, pha, 'color', 'm'); % MZT [mag, pha] = bode(MZT,2*pi*nf); semilogx(nf, 20*log10(abs(mag)), 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 1.0, 'linestyle', '-'); %semilogx(nf, pha, 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 1.0, 'linestyle', '--'); % IIM [mag, pha] = bode(IIM,2*pi*nf); semilogx(nf, 20*log10(abs(mag)), 'color', 'c', 'linewidth', 1.0, 'linestyle', '--'); %semilogx(nf, pha, 'color', 'c', 'linewidth', 1.0, 'linestyle', '--'); % MZT approximated [mag, pha] = bode(MZT2,2*pi*nf); semilogx(nf, 20*log10(abs(mag)), 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2.0, 'linestyle', '--'); %semilogx(nf, -pha, 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2.0, 'linestyle', '--'); grid on; str=num2str(fs); str2=num2str(fc); str3=num2str(N); str = sprintf("LPF (various TF), order:%s, fs=%s, fc=%s, ",str3, str, str2); title(str); legend('Analog', 'BLT', 'MZT', 'IIM', 'MZTapprox', 'location', 'southwest'); xlabel('Hz');ylabel('dB');By octave plots
(full sized image), frequency response improves a bit when cut-off frequency is closing fs/2:
and phase response differs a lot from the original MZT phase response:
Idea here is to use approximation error to cancel the error in MZT/IIM (Impulse Invariance Method) methods ... when higher degree polynomial is used the error decreases and the resulting filter closes the original MZT/IIM responses. See the values for s, c and v, v2: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/jvpki1xcvh while changing T parameter.Someone, with better math skills than what I have, can probably improve this idea by finding better polynomial with suitable error to better cancel the error in MZT/IIM method.
NOTE: There are few well known methods available to improve the MZT/IIM type filters as like these:
Jackson http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnum...
Mecklenbräuker http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S...
Nelatury http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S...
and BLT type filters
Michael Massberg http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16077
which all are more complicated and are also more portable methods. My target is speed (realtime use) and improved responses of one pole LPF. I've measured (implementation as c/c++ function) this approximation method about 20 times faster than using std::exp function.
Any thoughts on possible drawbacks in this implementation. Is that phase response a bad thing?
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Reply by ●April 5, 2019
Hi jtp_1960. If you define what your text "MZT/IIM" means, the subscribers here may have some idea what is the topic of your post.
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Reply by ●April 5, 2019
Wiki links added for MZT and IIM.