
DSP Tutorial with C/C++ code snippets

Started by sarita464 9 years ago2 replieslatest reply 9 years ago1323 views

Hi,  being a beginner can I expect some tutorials on DSP with C/C++ as implementation language.

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Reply by rlramirez77March 23, 2016

Tutorials are available elsewhere, but it is a difficult area of electronics to get started in. Specialized DSP hardware development platforms such as the TMS320 series are relatively expensive and C code for less expensive, more general platforms like Cortex M Series CPUs is usually not easy to find with Google - much better results can be obtained on the silicon vendors site. Feel free to share your experiences with others as you are not alone!

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Reply by cfeltonMarch 23, 2016

You shouldn't have a problem finding C/C++ DSP examples.