I am attempting to build a project for TMS320C31 and cannot seem to find a required library. Is c31rb.lib available somewhere or buildable from supplied source?

Wow, that is a pretty old DSP, which I worked with extensively. Curious what the need would be, old product support? Have you checked with TI at the E2E forumns?
Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums

Yes Sir it is for old product support. I have talked with several folks at TI and none have records of anything that old. Which is why I was hoping to find someone like you that used it in the past and may have insight.

Interesting, and unfortunate that TI didn't have support for thier previous DSPs, or at least the people there who were aware of your request. I didn't keep those tools around. I did a Google search on "Texas Instruments TMS320C31 development tools" and came up with a few links, most of which have email contact info. You could possibly reach out to them, about the library. Here's a few, but a more exhaustive search might find more:
Texas Instruments - DSP University Programs
TMS320C3X was a great DSP, in my view and experience - one of the first floating point DSPs, easy to program, relatively straightforward (compared to some of the DSPs that followed it).

You might check here: https://johnloomis.org/ece445/dsk3/index.html
I know that I have a C31 DSK sitting around somewhere. It is either in the crawlspace or in a storage room at the university at which I teach. If you can't find it online, I can look further.

Thank you Mr. Maguire,
I had seen and downloaded the content from that page a while ago. It does contain C3X.asm as well as C3X.lib. I was thinking that some how maybe the C31rb.lib was generated from that but can't figure it out. Every time I generate files it has the name of the source file so maybe I need C3Xrb.asm. I have been scouring the net off and on over the last 3 years and have been told by other instructors that the library files were always changing cause the projects to stop working.
So I haven't been successful...yet!
Thanks again