
Library file

Started by extremes101 4 weeks ago5 replieslatest reply 4 hours ago145 views

I am attempting to build a project for TMS320C31 and cannot seem to find a required library. Is c31rb.lib available somewhere or buildable from supplied source?

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Reply by Robert WolfeJanuary 22, 2025

Wow, that is a pretty old DSP, which I worked with extensively.  Curious what the need would be, old product support? Have you checked with TI at the E2E forumns?

Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums


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Reply by extremes101January 27, 2025

Yes Sir it is for old product support. I have talked with several folks at TI and none have records of anything that old. Which is why I was hoping to find someone like you that used it in the past and may have insight.



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Reply by Robert WolfeJanuary 27, 2025

Interesting, and unfortunate that TI didn't have support for thier previous DSPs, or at least the people there who were aware of your request.  I didn't keep those tools around.  I did a Google search on "Texas Instruments TMS320C31 development tools" and came up with a few links, most of which have email contact info.  You could possibly reach out to them, about the library.  Here's a few, but a more exhaustive search might find more:


TMS320C31 Starter Kit

Texas Instruments - DSP University Programs

TMS320C3X was a great DSP, in my view and experience - one of the first floating point DSPs, easy to program, relatively straightforward (compared to some of the DSPs that followed it).


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Reply by djmaguireFebruary 15, 2025

You might check here: https://johnloomis.org/ece445/dsk3/index.html

I know that I have a C31 DSK sitting around somewhere.  It is either in the crawlspace or in a storage room at the university at which I teach. If you can't find it online, I can look further.

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Reply by extremes101February 18, 2025

Thank you Mr. Maguire,

I had seen and downloaded the content from that page a while ago. It does contain C3X.asm as well as C3X.lib. I was thinking that some how maybe the C31rb.lib was generated from that but can't figure it out. Every time I generate files it has the name of the source file so maybe I need C3Xrb.asm. I have been scouring the net off and on over the last 3 years and have been told by other instructors that the library files were always changing cause the projects to stop working.

So I haven't been successful...yet!

Thanks again
