I may be the last one to know this trick, but if you turn on your computer speakers and type the following code in Matlab, it plays a gong sound:
load gong.mat; sound(y)
Silly, but fun. Type "doc sound" to learn about the sound command.
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Reply by ●January 31, 2021

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Reply by ●January 31, 2021

Hallelujah! Thanks. If you don't watch out, someone may ask you to explain your demo.
-- Neil
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Reply by ●January 31, 2021

A-bit-o-fun! Thanks for sharing.
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Reply by ●January 31, 2021

Thanks, neirober. I tried also handel.mat, hoping it would play a bit of Water Music. Not. It's a bit of Hallelujah Chorus. It's fun.