I still haven't resolved my problem with the AIC23 on the TMS320C6455EVM.
After viewing the different options available, I tried to use the Data Converter
Support by selecting "Codec, Serial interface -> 18-24 bit -> TLV320AIC23:
96kHz, Audio, Stereo -> Aic23_4" and then setting the AIC23 mode to USB and
selecting 48/48 kHz sampling rates and insured that the Line Input is
In the DSP tab, I cannot select the DSP Type I am using - it only gives
TMS320C641x DSPs. I tried to select a random one, generated the output files,
but when I try to compile it gives me "undefined symbol" errors in the pages
that were generated.
I have previously tried to use the normal polling sampling by using the same
method as used in the POST:
while (!DSK6455_AIC23_read32(hCodec, &sample_pair));
This unfortunately does not seem to work and I have been thinking of
implementing interrupt driven sampling.
Can anyone give me any advice on how to use the AIC23 so that the actual
sampling rate is that specified in the settings? There is no need to use EDMA,
but I would like to use interrupt sampling so that I can continuously decode the
signal I generated.
Thank you for your time,
Christo Kleu
Getting the AIC23 to work on the TMS320C6455EVM
Started by ●October 24, 2007