
synchronous FIFO to EMIF of C6202

Started by Unknown June 21, 2002
there are three synchronous FIFO(133MHz) in our system. two link to EMIF of
and one link to XBus of C6202. but the chip has not glueless FIFO interface.
i want to interface to FIFO as SBSRAM,but the first access to SBSRAM requies
an initial stert-up penalty of two cycles. and the FIFO don't need these two
please give me some help on this. Thank you!

You might want to try asynchronous interface where each access has equal
number of cycles.




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>There is 1 message in this issue.
>Topics in this digest:
> 1. synchronous FIFO to EMIF of C6202
> From: < >________________________________________________________________________
>Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:04:19 +0800 (CST)
> From: <>
>Subject: synchronous FIFO to EMIF of C6202
>there are three synchronous FIFO(133MHz) in our system. two link to EMIF of
>and one link to XBus of C6202. but the chip has not glueless FIFO interface.
>i want to interface to FIFO as SBSRAM,but the first access to SBSRAM requies
>an initial stert-up penalty of two cycles. and the FIFO don't need these two
>please give me some help on this. Thank you! >________________________________________________________________________
>________________________________________________________________________ >

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Wilson Mai Phone: (613) 562-9936-225
SOMA Networks Inc. Fax: (613) 562-8226
110 Clarence St. Suite 3, Email:
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1N 5P6
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