For including RTDX facility in my decoder code I added some files to my decoder
project. br />
I have tested my decoder code without rtdx. Also I have tested test RTDX
program. Both are working well individually. But when I try to integrate RTDX
facility in decoder project 2 problems are occurring as belowbr />
## target.h file gets added in documents folder in CCS in project hierarchy
window. I have done necessary #include directive in main file.
## Compiler consultant gives me message as below:
output to the following .cif file: D:\a_nilesh\code comp sudio
Projects\Decoder Projects\12 feb_2\Debug\b_frame.obj; D:\a_nilesh\code com
mp sudio Projects\Decoder Projects\12 feb_2\Debug\intvecs.cif
The .cif file does not exist, possibly due to compile errors in one or more
source files.
I tried to search this cif file but do not exist in CCS installation or any
other folder for project. Also warnings in compilation are nowhere related to
rtdx part. Also code builds successfully without errors. And runs on target but
data transfer to host do not happens though channel gets opened and code on
target runs completely. I get message end of log file reached instead as decoder
run comes to an end.
Can anybody explain me reasons for this?
P.S.: intvecs.asm are files in t2h rtdx examples folder. And I am using
same files here.
2. While since I am sending block of data I am modifying target buffer size so
copying rtdx_buf file from C600\rtdx\lib folder to project folder and modifying
size as per requirements.
Compiler consultant message ".cif file not found"
Started by ●February 12, 2007