
Error in Targeting C6711 Board

Started by hariscorner February 15, 2004
hi everyone,

I'm trying to learn IP Algortitm Implementations on a C6711 IDK
Board interfaced to CCS.
I'm having a problem when trying to load the application after
building the project.A small window is splashing up with the message:
"RTDX target application does not match emulation protocol!
Loaded program was created with an rtdx library which does not match
the target device."
I'm getting this error even for the example algorithms given with
CCS. I did select the right board in CCS.
Can someone help me out in tracing this error.


Open ur .cdb file, under RTDX properties of Input/Output, select JTAG
for RTDX mode, save file, rebuild and reload. This should eliminate
your error message.

Chets --- In , "hariscorner" <hariscorner@y...> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> I'm trying to learn IP Algortitm Implementations on a C6711 IDK
> Board interfaced to CCS.
> I'm having a problem when trying to load the application after
> building the project.A small window is splashing up with the
> "RTDX target application does not match emulation protocol!
> Loaded program was created with an rtdx library which does not
> the target device."
> I'm getting this error even for the example algorithms given with
> CCS. I did select the right board in CCS.
> Can someone help me out in tracing this error.
> bye
> hari