I'm using a 6416 DSK board and had a question regarding the EMIF
I'm trying to send data from internal memory via QDMA out onto the EMIF
pins on the 5-6K interface board which then go to a DAC. I'm using the WR#
signal off the 5-6K board to indicate to the DAC that new data is available.
I noticed that the EMIF data as well as the WR# signal were glitching and after
reading through some documentation (and also later read on another thread on
this site) determined it was the SDRAM refreshing. I disabled the refreshing
since I'm not using it.
However I'm still seeing at times the EMIF signals glitch. I know the
interface is shared, but are there any devices/refreshes that can be disabled to
remove the glitching? Essentially - is there any way to get stable signals from
EMIF without intermittant glitching?