> In a project we finished 2 years ago, we slightly
modified two of our
> C5510 DSK to use only the JTAG part to communicate with the PC, and our
> own DSP HW board.
> Everybody was happy with this solution. The industrial partner had
> bought a JTAG emulator but at the end he preferred to use a modified DSK
> as well.
> Unfortunately I cannot give your more details as the modification was
> done by a young colleague that is not here anymore and the industrial
> partner. It was a minor modification (cutting a couple of lines and
> soldering a cable) and at the end of the project they reverse it in few
> minutes.
So you guys basically hacked a DSK board to serve as a cheap "JTAG controller":
the DSP on the DSK board out of the JTAG chain, insert your DSP in the chain.
very creative and low-cost. I think that method could be Ok for relatively
knowledgeable users, but for most Univ students, especially newbies, that still
into support issues. If they need help, and they explain their "emulator" to
guys, I can guess that helpful answers aren't going to be forthcoming.
The better approach for the Uni's is for the Prof or Dept chair to build
relationship with TI and get some legit tools. TI likes to see EE and ECE Depts
going with R&D and instructional DSP projects, and they have lots of incentives
facilitate that, including free or steeply discounted stuff. Overall that
helps the Prof and lays good groundwork and well-documented path for future
> Jeff Brower wrote:
> > Jyoti-
> >
> >
> >> Thanks a lot for the replies.I think the JTAG headers are used
> >> when we are using the JTAG emulators.And i cant
> >> afford an emulator because it is a final year engg college project.
> >> So is using the flash memory option better?Can
> >> i flash the code on the DSP C5509A first and then place it on the
> >> board?
> >>
> >
> > Your Univ should have at least one JTAG emulator + "full" CCS version. If
not, your Prof / Dept. chair can get a good
> > deal from TI.
> >
> > It's definitely not a good idea to try to bring up a custom DSP board
without JTAG. If you get stuck, not only will
> > you not be able to view memory, single-step code, and otherwise "see"
what's going on, but also there will be no peer
> > help. Everyone will expect you to have JTAG, both peer groups and TI
> >
> > For a serious hardware project, a few $$ is always required. If your Univ
doesn't have that, they shouldn't be doing
> > DSP hardware.
> >
> > -Jeff
> >
> >
> >
> >> Hi,i m building a simple board for an audio application using C5509A.There
will also be a codec and voltage regulator
> >> on the board.I need to know how to download the CCS code on the
processor.What additional hardware is needed on the
> >> board to download the CCS program onto the DSP?
Re: Re: Hardware requirements to download the CCS code onDSP
Started by ●March 19, 2009