
c++ support in ccs2

Started by eran segev November 11, 2001
I have a problem when using the c++ in the ccs2.
it occurs to me, even on brd_init() functions ,and
some uart functions
which he throws this :

undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
>> error: symbol referencing errors -
./Debug/DspCode.out not built

those problems seem to occur only when i integrate c++
does anyone knows what can cause this ?
how to fix ?
maybe some confirguration needed for c++ support ?
Thanks !
Segev Eran


The function name is mangled to support overloading. If you want to call a
"C" function from C++, use the extern "C" declaration in the prototyping,
like this:

extern "C" {
void main(int argc, char **argv);

You'll need to do this for C-callable assembly language routines you write
as well.

I think that's all the detail you need, but let me know if it's not.

Dave Helsley
-----Original Message-----
From: eran segev [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 1:04 AM
Subject: [c54x] c++ support in ccs2 I have a problem when using the c++ in the ccs2.
it occurs to me, even on brd_init() functions ,and
some uart functions
which he throws this :

undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
>> error: symbol referencing errors -
./Debug/DspCode.out not built

those problems seem to occur only when i integrate c++
does anyone knows what can cause this ?
how to fix ?
maybe some confirguration needed for c++ support ?
Thanks !
Segev Eran
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