Biquad bandpass filter bank
Efficient implementation of SIMD biquad bandpass filter bank.
This is the core computation for musical physical models ("modal models").
This code takes 1.5 instructions to compute each floating-point bandpass filter;
for a SHARC running at 3ns instruction cycle this is 4.5ns / biquad.
Two routines are provided: one to compute the biquads efficiently, and the other to compute filter coefficients.
If you want to learn techniques for optimizing SIMD code on the SHARC, the first routine is a good assembly language example to study. In the core loop it performs four floating point operations and four memory load/store operations in each instruction.
Written by Lippold Haken of Haken Audio, 2010, using ADSP-21364 and VisualDSP++ C.
// Efficient implementation of biquad bandpass filter bank.
// This is the core computation for musical physical models ("modal models").
// This code takes 1.5 instructions to compute each floating-point bandpass filter;
// for a SHARC running at 3ns instruction cycle this is 4.5ns / biquad.
// Written by Lippold Haken of Haken Audio, 2010, using ADSP-21364 and VisualDSP++ C.
// dmXmod - pointer to DM data memory
// pmXmod - pointer to PM data memory
// bfbXComputePairs - optimized computation of a bank of bandpass filters
// bfbXCoef - coefficient computation for the bandpass filters
// CFDSP hardware-specific definitions.
#include "cfdsp21364.h"
// === Start of definitions for .h file
// The following structure definitions are shared by this code and by the calling code,
// so they should be moved to a common .h file.
// Data in dm.
typedef struct
#define bfb4FilterSections 64 // number of modes (number of bandpass filter sections)
float bfb_Y[2][bfb4FilterSections]; // save state: y[n-1] and y[n-2]
} DmX_bfb;
// Data in pm.
typedef struct
// The bfb_C[] contains 3 coefficients for each biquad, with a pair of biquad's coefficients
// interleaved so that biquads can be processed in pairs by the optimized SIMD assembly loop.
float bfb_C[ 3 * bfb4FilterSections ]; // bfb filter coefficients, see comment above
} PmX_bfb;
// Pointers to data, and a samples counter.
DmX_bfb *dmXmod;
PmX_bfb *pmXmod;
int sampInFrame; // sample counter
#define sr 48000 // sample rate in Hz
#define Pi (3.14159265)
#define ABS(x) ( ((x)>(0)) ? (x) : -(x) )
void sinCos( float fRadians, float *fSin, float *fCos ); // see Lippold Haken's sinCos code snippet
// === End of definitions for .h file
// Parameter arrays for Biquad Filter Bank (modal physical modelling) synthesis.
// If P is the biquad pair number, and R=0/R=1 distinguishes the two biquads within the pair:
// x[n] coefficient for biquad k is at pmXmod->bfb_C[ 6*P + R + 0 ]; this is also -x[n-2] coefficient.
// y[n-1] coefficient for biquad k is at pmXmod->bfb_C[ 6*P + R + 2 ]; this is scaled by 0.5 to avoid overflow
// y[n-2] coefficient for biquad k is at pmXmod->bfb_C[ 6*P + R + 4 ]
// The first index to dmXmod->bfb_Y[] is based on lsbs of sample counter.
// The second index to dmXmod->bfb_Y[] is 2P+R.
// Note: R=0 always for even voices, R=1 always for odd voices.
#define bfb_Ynm1(P) &(dmXmod->bfb_Y[sampInFrame & 1][2*(P)]) // start in y[n-1][] array
#define bfb_Ynm2(P) &(dmXmod->bfb_Y[1-(sampInFrame & 1)][2*(P)]) // start in y[n-2][] array
void bfbXComputePairs(int biquadP, int pairs,
float inDiff0, // x[n]-x[n-2] for even biquads
float inDiff1, // x[n]-x[n-2] for odd biquads
float *fSum0, // output for even biquad sum
float *fSum1) // output for odd biquad sum
// Sum the output of a sequence of at least 2 biquad pairs.
// For each of the sequence of pairs, the first (even) biquad in each pair has a common input "input0",
// and the second (odd) biquad of each pair has a (possibly different) common input "input1".
// Assmebly-coded bfb filter loop using floating-point math.
// The core loop takes 3 instructions for 2 biquads, or 4.5ns per biquad.
// We use the even-numbered biquads for one voice, the odd-numbered biquads for a second voice.
"#include <def21364.h> \n"
// For each biquad k: (k=6*biquadP for R=0)
// y[k](n) = C0[k] * (x[k](n) - x[k](n-2))
// + C1[k] * 2 * y[k](n-1)
// + C2[k] * y[k](n-2)
// Register usage for biquad k (R==0):
// F0 = C0[k], C1[k], and C2[k]
// F4 = input0-old_input0 aka x[k](n)-x[k](n-2)
// F6 = y[k](n-1), y[k](n-2)
// F8 = scratch for computing y[k](n)
// F10 = sum of even biquad's y[](n) in each biquad pair
// F12 = scratch for computing y[k](n)
// F13 = final value of y[k-2](n)
// DM(I4) = C0[k], C1[k], and C2[k]
// PM(I10) = read y[k](n-2) write to y[k-2](n)
// PM(I12) = read y[k](n-1)
// Register usage for biquad k+1 (R==1):
// SF0 = C0[k+1], C1[k+1], and C2[k+1]
// SF4 = input1-old_input1 aka x[k+1](n)-x[k+1](n-2)
// SF6 = y[k+1](n-1), y[k+1](n-2)
// SF8 = scratch for computing y[k+1](n)
// SF10 = sum of odd biquad's y[](n) in each biquad pair
// SF12 = scratch for computing y[k+1](n)
// SF13 = final value of y[k-1](n)
// DM(I4+1) = C0[k+1], C1[k+1], and C2[k+1]
// PM(I10+1)= read y[k+1](n-2) write y[k-1](n)
// PM(I12+1)= read y[k+1](n-1)
// Register usage for even and odd biquads:
// M4=M12=2
// M10=+4
// M11=-2
// The three instruction loop below computes two biquads simultaneously, for k and k+1,
// in each SIMD loop execution. The comments are written just for biquad k;
// the biquad k+1 code and comments are implied by SIMD mode.
// Set pointer increments.
" M4=2;M10=4;M11=-2;M12=2; \n"
// Loop priming, with k=0 (and SIMD k=1).
// Initialize F10=SF10=0 fetch C0[k]
" R10=R10-R10, F0=DM(I4,M4); \n"
// C0[k]*(x(n)-x(n-2)) fetch C1[k] fetch y[k](n-1)
" F8=F0*F4, F0=DM(I4,M4), F6=PM(I12,M12); \n"
// C1[k] * y[k](n-1) fetch C2[k] fetch y[k](n-2)
" F12=F0*F6, F0=DM(I4,M4), F6=PM(I10,M12); \n"
// C2[k] * y[k](n-2) biquad k sum fetch C0[k+2]
" F12=F0*F6, F8=F8+F12, F0=DM(I4,M4); \n"
// Main loop, for k = 2..K-2 by 2 (and SIMD for k = 1..K-1 by 2).
"DO (PC, endx) UNTIL LCE; \n"
// C0[k]*(x(n)-x(n-2)) F13 is y[k-2](n) fetch C1[k] fetch y[k](n-1)
" F8=F0*F4, F13=F8+F12, F0=DM(I4,M4), F6=PM(I12,M12); \n"
// C1[k] * y[k](n-1) output sum fetch C2[k] fetch y[k](n-2)
" F12=F0*F6, F10=F10+F13, F0=DM(I4,M4), F6=PM(I10,M11); \n"
// C2[k] * y[k](n-2) biquad k sum fetch C0[k+2] save y[k-2](n)
"endx: F12=F0*F6, F8=F8+F12, F0=DM(I4,M4), PM(I10,M10)=F13; \n"
// F13 is y[k-2](n)
" F13=F8+F12, modify(I10,M11); \n"
// output sum save y[k-2](n)
" F10=F10+F13, PM(I10,M10)=F13; \n"
"BIT CLR MODE1 SIMD; \n" // disable SIMD
" NOP; \n" // wait for SIMD disable
// Output register list, each element: "=rN" (varName)
: "=R10" (*fSum0), // F10 has floating sum of even & odd biquads
"=S10" (*fSum1) // SF10 has floating sum of even & odd biquads
// Input register list, each element: "rN" (varName)
: "lcntr" (pairs-1),
"R4" (inDiff0), // x[n]-x[n-2] for even biquads
"S4" (inDiff1), // x[n]-x[n-2] for odd biquads
"I4" (&pmXmod->bfb_C[6 * biquadP]), // coefficients for all biquads
"I10" (bfb_Ynm2(biquadP)), // y[n-2] for all biquads, updated to y[n]
"I12" (bfb_Ynm1(biquadP)) // y[n-1] for all biquads
// Clobbered register list:
// We must avoid "do not use" regs, Compiler and Library Manual p.1-245.
// We try to use mostly scratch regs, Compiler and Library Manual p.1-248.
: "r0", "r4", "r6", "r8", "r10", "r12", "r13",
"i4", "i10", "i12",
"m4", "m10", "m11", "m12" );
void bfbXCoef(int biquadP, int biquadR, float freq, float amp, float bw)
// Compute coefficients for a biquad filter section of the floating-point Biquad Filter Bank routine.
int startingIndex = 6 * biquadP + biquadR; // 6 * biquad pair number (+1 if second in pair)
float *pC = &pmXmod->bfb_C[ startingIndex ]; // index biquad filter coefficients array
float *y0 = &dmXmod->bfb_Y[0][2*biquadP+biquadR]; // filter memory for biquad
float *y1 = &dmXmod->bfb_Y[1][2*biquadP+biquadR]; // filter memory for biquad
// Is center frequency is below aliasing-cutoff limit?
if (freq != 0.0 && freq < 0.5 * sr)
// Compute sin and cos of the mode frequency.
float phase = freq * 2. * Pi / sr;
float fSin, fCos;
sinCos(phase, &fSin, &fCos); // efficient sine and cosine; see Lippold Haken's DSPrelated code snippet.
// These formulas are adapted from Robert Bristow-Johnson BLT biquad web posting.
// I use the BPF with "constant skirt gain, peak gain = Q", with amplitude scaling of input coefficients.
// Compute intermediate parameters, alpha and beta.
// alpha = sin(w0)/(2*Q)
// beta = 1/(1+alpha)
// y[n] = (beta * sin(w0)/2 ) * (x[n] - x[n-2])
// + (beta * 2*cos(w0) ) * y[n-1]
// + (beta * (alpha - 1) ) * y[n-2]
// In addition, the input x-coefficients are scaled by the amplitude of the biquad --
// I use **twice** the amplitude value.
float alpha = fSin * bw / 2.0; // this is sin/(2*q)
float beta = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha);
pC[0] = amp * beta * fSin; // x[n] coefficient, and -x[n-2] coefficient
pC[2] = beta * 2. * fCos; // y[n-1] coefficient
pC[4] = beta * (alpha - 1.0); // y[n-2] coefficient
// Frequency of bfb filter is beyond aliasing frequency,
// or if we are about to start a new note.
// Zero bfb filter coefficients and zero out the filter memory.
pC[0] = pC[2] = pC[4] = 0;
*y0 = *y1 = 0;