Fast SIMD sine and cosine
Fast SIMD sine and cosine for SHARC ADSP-21364, callable from VisualDSP++ C.
// Fast sine and cosine for SHARC ADSP-21364, callable from VisualDSP++ C.
// Simultaneously compute sine and cosine of a given angle.
// Polynomial approximation developed by Flemming Pedersen of CERN.
// This implementation by Lippold Haken of Haken Audio, March 2010, October 2012.
// C prototype for this function:
// typedef struct { float sin, cos; } SinCos;
// void sinCos( float fRadians, SinCos *result );
// 23 cycles to execute this function:
// 18 cycles for the computations
// 5 cycles for compiler environment overhead.
#include <def21364.h>
// Data table for sinCos function.
.section/dm/DOUBLE32 seg_dmda;
.global sinCosData;
.type sinCosData,STT_OBJECT;
.var =
// Integer 3 for "mod 4" operation.
0x00000003, 0x00000003,
// 1.0 for neutralizing final cos multiply.
0x3F800000, 0x3F800000,
// Coefficients for sin and cos polynomials.
0xBB96BD89, // SQ7 for sin polynomial -4.6002309092153379e-003
0xBCA75707, // CQ6 for cos polynomial -2.0427240364907607e-002
0x3DA32F1D, // SQ5 for sin polynomial 7.9679708649230657e-002
0x3E81D8BD, // CQ4 for cos polynomial 2.5360671639164339e-001
0xBF255DDD, // SQ3 for sin polynomial -6.4596348437163809e-001
0xBF9DE9D1, // CQ2 for cos polynomial -1.2336979844380824e+000
0x3FC90FDB, // SQ1 for sin polynomial 1.5707963267948966e+000
0x3F800000, // CQ0 for cos polynomial 1.0000000000000000e+000
// Sign adjustment table, indexed by integer quadrant.
0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, // 1.0, 1.0
0x3F800000, 0xBF800000, // 1.0,-1.0
0xBF800000, 0xBF800000, // -1.0,-1.0
0xBF800000, 0x3F800000; // -1.0, 1.0
.section/pm/DOUBLE32 seg_pmco;
// Registers in VisualDSP environment:
// M5,M13 = 0
// M6,M14 = 1
// M7,M15 = -1
// F4 = first function argument (input angle)
// R8 = pointer to address for storing sin,cos result
// R0,R1,R2,R4,R8,R12,I4,I12,I13,M4 need not be preserved
// I6,I7 = stack and frame pointers
// C calling routine has: "CJUMP (DB); DM(I7,M7)=R2; DM(I7,M7)=PC;"
// CJUMP does these operations: "R2=I6, I6=I7"
// Before exiting must do RFRAME: "I7=I6, I6=DM(0,I6)"
// Preamble.
SF4 = F4;
// Pointer to constants.
I4 = sinCosData;
// Compute integer quadrant, fractional quadrant, fractional quadrant squared.
// Quadrant "q" = fRadians * 2./Pi
// Quadrant values (0. .. 4.) correspond to (0. .. 2Pi)
R1 = 0x3F22F983; // F1 = 2./Pi
F0 = F1 * F4, I12 = DM(M7,I6); // I12 is execution return address
// Integer quadrant = round(q) mod 4 (0..3)
// Since MODE1 TRUNC bit is zero, FIX implements round-to-nearest.
R1 = FIX F0, R2 = DM(I4,2);
R2 = R1 AND R2, F12 = DM(I4,2);
// Fractional quadrant "Xq" = q - round(q) (-.5 .. .5)
// Fractional quadrant values (-.5 .. .5) correspond to (-Pi/4..Pi/4)
F1 = FLOAT R1, F4 = DM(I4,2);
F1 = F0 - F1, M4 = R2;
// Set SZ if integer quadrant is even.
R2 = LSHIFT R2 BY 31;
// Fractional quadrant squared "Xq2" = Xq * Xq
// Set SF1 = 1.0 to avoid final Xq multiply for cosine polynomial.
F2 = F1 * F1, F12 <-> SF1;
// Registers involved in sin and cos computation:
// F1 = fractional quadrant Xq
// SF1 = 1.0
// F2,SF2 = fractional quadrant squared Xq2
// F4 = SQ7
// SF4 = CQ6
// M4 = integer quadrant
// SZ = indicates integer quadrant is even
// DM(I4) = pairs of cosine and sine coefficients
// Compute sine polynomial (PEx) and cosine polynomial (PEy).
// Xq2*SQ7 Xq2*CQ6
F0 = F2 * F4, F4 = DM(I4,2);
// SQ5+Xq2*SQ7 CQ4+Xq2*CQ6
F0 = F0 + F4;
// Xq2(SQ5+Xq2*SQ7) Xq2(CQ4+Xq2*CQ6)
F0 = F0 * F2, F4 = DM(I4,2);
// SQ3+Xq2(SQ5+Xq2*SQ7) CQ2+Xq2(CQ4+Xq2*CQ6)
F0 = F0 + F4, F4 = DM(I4,2);
// Xq2(SQ3+Xq2(SQ5+Xq2*SQ7)) Xq2(CQ2+Xq2(CQ4+Xq2*CQ6))
F0 = F0 * F2, MODIFY(I4,M4);
// SQ1+Xq2(SQ3+Xq2(SQ5+Xq2*SQ7))) CQ0+Xq2(CQ2+Xq2(CQ4+Xq2*CQ6)))
F0 = F0 + F4, F4 = DM(M4,I4);
// Xq(SQ1+Xq2(SQ3+Xq2(SQ5+Xq2*SQ7)))) no change on PEy
F0 = F0 * F1, I4 = R8; // I4 is data return address
// Registers:
// F0 = sine result so far
// SF0 = cosine result so far
// F4,SF4 = +/-1 for inverting sign for quadrant
// SZ = set for integer quadrant even
// Invert and swap sin/cos according to integer quadrant:
// quadrant F0 SF0
// 0 = 00 SIN COS
// 1 = 01 COS -SIN swap results, invert sine
// 2 = 10 -SIN -COS invert signs
// 3 = 11 -COS SIN swap results, invert cosine
IF NOT SZ F0 <-> SF0; // swap sin,cos if odd quadrant
RFRAME; // stack frame management before exit
JUMP (M14,I12) (DB), F0 = F0 * F4; // negate sin/cos if needed
DM(M5,I4) = F0; // store sin at I4, cos (SF0) at I4+1
BIT CLR MODE1 SIMD; // end SIMD during JUMP (DB) stall
.global _sinCos;
.type _sinCos,STT_FUNC;