
Connecting between C6713 DSK HPI and HyperTerminal

Started by "omnia.mostafa21" in TMS320c6x17 years ago 2 replies

Hi All, I have a DSP C6713DSK and its HPI DaughterCard .. i want to read from the USB on the HyperTerminal . The CCS 3.3 can't connect with...

Hi All, I have a DSP C6713DSK and its HPI DaughterCard .. i want to read from the USB on the HyperTerminal . The CCS 3.3 can't connect with the DSK while the HPI is connected to it, even if its enable switch is off. in the Instruction .. the steps is : 1. Download the program using CCS, but do not run. 2. Press and release the reset button on the DSK6713HPI daughtercard. 3. Run the p...

ROM Booting for C6211 DSP

Started by raja nayaka in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hello pals I using Tms320C6211 DSP ...a customized board for a telephony application. I have a 128KX 8 EPROM connected at CE1...

Hello pals I using Tms320C6211 DSP ...a customized board for a telephony application. I have a 128KX 8 EPROM connected at CE1 space. Tms320C6211 is a single map device and upon reset it loads 1Kb EDMA transfer from CE1 space to onchip memory. We have made the bootmode pins HD3

Dsp to Host interrupt

Started by Jean-Francois SIMON in TMS320c6x19 years ago

Hello everyone! I've got a C64x problem :) I'm using the DM642 evaluation module as a PCI device in a PC running Linux. I'm trying to...

Hello everyone! I've got a C64x problem :) I'm using the DM642 evaluation module as a PCI device in a PC running Linux. I'm trying to generate an INT from the DSP to the host CPU, without any success so far. - I'm not using the JTAG interface - The DSP is in PCI boot mode, held in reset until the CPU host generates an interrupt. [this is working] - My code (dsp-side) boots. It init...

Gao USB XDS510 JTAG and C671x custom board

Started by "Simon E. Mushi" in TMS320c6x17 years ago 7 replies

Hi, I am using a GaoTek USB XDS510 with CCS 3.3 to do development on an Innovative Integration C6713 based board. After following setup...

Hi, I am using a GaoTek USB XDS510 with CCS 3.3 to do development on an Innovative Integration C6713 based board. After following setup instructions in the manual I get the following error in CCS starting up "Fatal Error during : OCS SC_ERR_OCS_PORT " What does this mean? I have run xdsprobe -f gao.cfg -p -x240 -r -v and the emulator claims to reset successfully. I have

Re: POST C6711 DSK problem

Started by nash...@hotmail.com in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Dear all, Currently, I am faced with the same problem, the leds keep on blinking at the end of swiching up the DSK. I have tested with the...

Dear all, Currently, I am faced with the same problem, the leds keep on blinking at the end of swiching up the DSK. I have tested with the confidence test and all parameter are successfull. Try to do the POST test, got struck at led 2 (external SDRAM). After changing the value of SDRAMCTL, then the POST test is ok. However, if the board is reset of switch on, the leds are still blinking again. ...

Dsp to Host interrupt

Started by Jean-Francois SIMON in TMS320c6x19 years ago

Hello everyone! I've got a C64x problem :) I'm using the DM642 evaluation module as a PCI device in a PC running Linux. I'm trying to...

Hello everyone! I've got a C64x problem :) I'm using the DM642 evaluation module as a PCI device in a PC running Linux. I'm trying to generate an INT from the DSP to the host CPU, without any success so far. - I'm not using the JTAG interface - The DSP is in PCI boot mode, held in reset until the CPU host generates an interrupt. [this is working] - My code (dsp-side) boots. It initialize

Problem debugging the C64x+ in OMAP3530

Started by Coskun AYYILDIZ in TMS320c6x14 years ago 10 replies

Hi everyone, I am using ccsv4 and blackhawk usb560 bp emulator to debug a hello_world application on the DSP side of OMAP3530 in beagle...

Hi everyone, I am using ccsv4 and blackhawk usb560 bp emulator to debug a hello_world application on the DSP side of OMAP3530 in beagle board. I have problems debugging. First, in order to release the DSP out of reset, I connected to the ARM side, built the app and hit the debug bug. In the console I saw the following error messages: 1) Trouble Reading Register ETM_ID: Error 0x...

Re: R: Re: XDS510-USB2.0 + C6727 - Load Program problem

Started by "pco...@libero.it" in TMS320c6x16 years ago 1 reply

Hi Mike, OK, this is my ccBrd0.dat file: # config version=3.5 $ uscif slowclk=YES tdoedge=FALL $ / $ sepk ...

Hi Mike, OK, this is my ccBrd0.dat file: # config version=3.5 $ uscif slowclk=YES tdoedge=FALL $ / $ sepk pod_drvr=XDS510-USB2.dll pod_port=0x240 $ / @ tms320c6720_0 family=tms320c672x @ bypass_0 family=bypass irbits=8 # / I have looked at your very usefull tutorials and I have done some tests: 1) xdsprobe -f brddat/ccBrd0.dat -r -v -----[Print the reset-command...

JTAG and DSP Bootup Problem

Started by wei Wang in TMS320c6x18 years ago 1 reply

Dear all, Now I am debugging DM642 Board which is designed and layouted by myself, when I want to connect my board to CCS, there occurs...

Dear all, Now I am debugging DM642 Board which is designed and layouted by myself, when I want to connect my board to CCS, there occurs problem that CCS cannnot initialize target cpu. After carefully examing my board, I found that this problem is caused by DM642 cannot quit RESET state after pluging power supply, but I have configured all necessary dsp pins for device boot configur...

C6205 hardware boot loader / SDRAM problem

Started by joe....@lds.spx.com in TMS320c6x19 years ago 11 replies

All, I am using the eInfochips EVM6205 board to prototype a C6205 embedded system. My system must use the MAP 0 memory map which...

All, I am using the eInfochips EVM6205 board to prototype a C6205 embedded system. My system must use the MAP 0 memory map which requires booting from SDRAM located on CE0 at 0 x 0000_0000 h. I have been unable to get the EVM6205 to boot successfully into MAP 0 using the boot mode switches from power up and hard reset. The contents

Profiling Using CCS

Started by king Reon in TMS320c6x15 years ago

Hello, ? I am reon king, new to both CCS and H.264 Technology.I have few doubts regarding profling on CCS. 1. i have done profiling in...

Hello, ? I am reon king, new to both CCS and H.264 Technology.I have few doubts regarding profling on CCS. 1. i have done profiling in following steps: I. compile and load the image 2 Debug-> go to main 3.profile-> setup ( cycle total) at starting of main function i kept break point,? then reset clock and kept other break point at the end of main function. Please confirm above proces


Started by J J in TMS320c6x15 years ago 4 replies

Dear I was Run xdsprobe .It Does work!! Errorr Mesage is: C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin> xdsprobe.exe -----[Select and reset the...

Dear I was Run xdsprobe .It Does work!! Errorr Mesage is: C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin> xdsprobe.exe -----[Select and reset the controller]--------------------------------------- This utility will operate on port address '0x0'. That original port address was aliased to '0x0240'. An error occurred while hard opening the controller. -----[An error has occurred and this utility has abort

hsrtdx with xds560r

Started by danisade in TMS320c6x17 years ago 1 reply

after send about 500 messeges of 250 integers i have sucess with dsk6713 but if i try to send 2000 messeges of 250 the code composer 3.1...

after send about 500 messeges of 250 integers i have sucess with dsk6713 but if i try to send 2000 messeges of 250 the code composer 3.1 stucks any one know why > ? ---------- this is the messege -------------- Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000020/-2211 Error during: Execution, TRG_ERR_COMM_FAILURE Error Occured at 0x00000000 Sequence ID: 16 Error Code: -2211 Error Class: 0x000

change clock speed

Started by suketu j shah in TMS320c6x24 years ago 1 reply

hello friends, i am working on tms320c6201 DSP.while evm reset i saw colck speed 133MHz.i want my code to work on 160 MHz.so...

hello friends, i am working on tms320c6201 DSP.while evm reset i saw colck speed 133MHz.i want my code to work on 160 MHz.so please tell me how can i change clock speed.i read that by software switching or DIP switching we can change clock rate.what is software switching?how can i ac

Help test TMS320C6713 own board!

Started by lion king in TMS320c6x19 years ago 5 replies

Hi, I have a project making my own DSP board for speech synthesis. I have a question: How can I know whether my TMS320C6713BPYP has read my...

Hi, I have a project making my own DSP board for speech synthesis. I have a question: How can I know whether my TMS320C6713BPYP has read my program code from eternal flash? I use my osiloscope to measure and see that, at reset, my TMS has send addess to addess bus, pin OE,WE,CE has been cofigured correctly, data from external flash has been out, but I measure pin ECLKOUT

Some problems with I2C module in DM642

Started by wei Wang in TMS320c6x19 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I have problems configuring the I2C module. after the DM642 is reset, it is not possible at all to write anything to the I2C...

Hi, I have problems configuring the I2C module. after the DM642 is reset, it is not possible at all to write anything to the I2C registers, all registers remain 0. Whatever function of the csl-I2c I call, the registers remain 0. It seems that the I2C is deactivated. The procedure described in spru175 (I2C peripherals reference manual) chap. 7 \'Programming guide\'

Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000028/-1076

Started by z_11...@yahoo.com in TMS320c6x16 years ago 2 replies

In a new design with C6713, connecting to CCS is successful, Oscillator and capacitors, some required resistor and EMI filter and buffer of...

In a new design with C6713, connecting to CCS is successful, Oscillator and capacitors, some required resistor and EMI filter and buffer of emulator assembled on board due to test and debug be easier. No external flash or SDRAM assembled and emulator is xds560. during a simple program, when loading .cinit to 0x2960 one error occurred:? data verification failed at 0x2960 please verify targ

the problem of TMS320C6203 boot

Started by mike...@yahoo.com.cn in TMS320c6x15 years ago

Dear All, Now I have a problem about TMS320C6203 boot in my project. We design a C6203 DSP system, with a fifo connecting to the DSP and the...

Dear All, Now I have a problem about TMS320C6203 boot in my project. We design a C6203 DSP system, with a fifo connecting to the DSP and the external interface by XBUS.Sometiems TMS320C6203 cannot boot correctly.Power on 20 times,one time TMS320C6203 cannot boot . when not boot,I connected the target board to the CCS with XDS560 JTAG emulator.Flash data read by CCS all are 0XFF.I have a reset...

A problem about the clock of our own C6414 board

Started by chenyangc6 in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Hi All, Our team have make out a C6414(500M) board. Nowly we can't connect it with CCS.We have check out these key point: 1: the power is...

Hi All, Our team have make out a C6414(500M) board. Nowly we can't connect it with CCS.We have check out these key point: 1: the power is Ok 2: the Reset is Ok 3: the CLKMODE is set as x6(the external input clock is 50M, so the CPU clock is 300M) 4: the BEA[17:16] is set as 10, as the EMIFA input clock is CPU/6 Clock Rate(it is maybe 50M) but when we test the EACLKOUT1...


Started by woshidon in TMS320c6x17 years ago 1 reply

Hello. My name is Don and I have a question about the 6727 UHPI. I want to use the bit in the HPIC (hint) that the DSP can write to to generate...

Hello. My name is Don and I have a question about the 6727 UHPI. I want to use the bit in the HPIC (hint) that the DSP can write to to generate and interrupt in its host as a simple flag. I have the interrupt pin actually gpio'd and unused. But I thought I should be able to set the bit in the DSP and let the host see it and reset it it by writing a one back to the bit. Well, I can set ...