Forums Search for: RTDX
DSK as a pc peripheral
Hi all, i need to make my c64x dsk to communicate with pc. Board is connected trough USB. What are the possible methods? RTDX is my first...
Hi all, i need to make my c64x dsk to communicate with pc. Board is connected trough USB. What are the possible methods? RTDX is my first choiche, is there something else and more useful? My dsk is equipped only with USB connector, no ethernet or other stuff. Thanks Emiliano
it this possible in dsk6711?
hi all Actually i want to transfer voice samples from mic input of the DSK kit to the serial port(max of 115kbps)of the...
hi all Actually i want to transfer voice samples from mic input of the DSK kit to the serial port(max of 115kbps)of the host(using RTDX ). Does this tranfer has some real time constraints. plz let me if it has thanks seshu
Problems configuring RTDX Host Buffers
Hi all! I am sending signal's samples from my LabView application to C6711DSK for computing FFT-radix4. Data transfer works correctly...
Hi all! I am sending signal's samples from my LabView application to C6711DSK for computing FFT-radix4. Data transfer works correctly when the number of samples is equal or less than 128 but If it is bigger then CCS shows me the following message: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------
fastest way for block transfer
Hi all, what is the difference between read/write and readmsg/writemsg? as I understand, one goes through the RTDX buffer while...
Hi all, what is the difference between read/write and readmsg/writemsg? as I understand, one goes through the RTDX buffer while the other one goes directly to the memory. is it true? and if so, can I access all the different types of memory on board? from my experiments, using
CCS for C6211DSK
Hi all, Did anybody get an update of the Code Composer Studio for the C6211DSK? We still have version 1.03 (no RTDX support). ...
Hi all, Did anybody get an update of the Code Composer Studio for the C6211DSK? We still have version 1.03 (no RTDX support). Last year TI announced that all registered user will get this update! Thomas -- //\\\\ | ~ ~ | ( O O ) ____
ccs 1.23 and XP
i have CCS 1.23 with kit starter dsp plus TMS320C6711 ihave the big problem whith RTDX is compatible with windows XP? where is...
i have CCS 1.23 with kit starter dsp plus TMS320C6711 ihave the big problem whith RTDX is compatible with windows XP? where is the CSL library, how can i include ? thanks for your answers
hi, I would like to use a watch dog and I don't find the watchdog function. Does this function exist for a real time...
hi, I would like to use a watch dog and I don't find the watchdog function. Does this function exist for a real time application without RTDX? If not, is there an easy way to design this function. thanks stephane
system identification
hi everybody, i am using the tms320c6713 Dsp and i have also tried several examples found in the book Digital Signal and Processing with C6713 by...
hi everybody, i am using the tms320c6713 Dsp and i have also tried several examples found in the book Digital Signal and Processing with C6713 by Rulph Chassaing. However, i am having some problem with the example adaptIDFIR on system identification. I successfully built the program but now i want to use rtdx with matlab.I simply dont know how to do this.By the way, i am donig a project on feedba...
Simple RTDX host application using C/C++
Hello everyone, I want to do a simple console application to send and recieve data from the DSP. I've found information in...
Hello everyone, I want to do a simple console application to send and recieve data from the DSP. I've found information in the CodeComposer Online Help... but the examples are with Visual Basic and I still have some questions. If i want to use C/C++ to deve
Re: Suggest method for Real Time data transfer between host and C6713 with VC++ application on host
Nilesh- > As per your reply EducationalDSP HPI interface card may not be available in > college. It's not expensive, USD 85. > So though...
Nilesh- > As per your reply EducationalDSP HPI interface card may not be available in > college. It's not expensive, USD 85. > So though it seems foolish i am asking again weather RTDX through JTAG can not do > this through log files? This i have not read completly but came across this day So you're thinking like this: _______ | | CCS ---->
Comunications between target and PC
inhi!, I am doing a program with receive/send data to/from target TMS320C6711. My idea is do it with RTDX but I would like know if...
hi!, I am doing a program with receive/send data to/from target TMS320C6711. My idea is do it with RTDX but I would like know if there are any method for do it (for example mailBox, Pipo, etc..). Always data will be sent/received are group of 560 bytes. Which method is be
File I/O on the C64+ DSK
Hi, I am trying to speed up the File Read and Write capability on the C6455 DSK. Using fread and fwrite the processing of data is extremely...
Hi, I am trying to speed up the File Read and Write capability on the C6455 DSK. Using fread and fwrite the processing of data is extremely slow for large data files. Does anyone know if Probepoints or RTDX improves this and if so how easy is it to use on this DSK? Thanks Andy
re LabVIEW
Hi Guys National Instruments has a tool set plug in for the TI DSPs that talks with Code Composer and does RTDX. Here is the...
Hi Guys National Instruments has a tool set plug in for the TI DSPs that talks with Code Composer and does RTDX. Here is the link or you can go to National and just search for "DSP". I have not used it yet but the demo looked good.
programming the rtdx from the host side
Hello all, I'm an electrical engineering student, working on my final project, which is: implementing a communication system on...
Hello all, I'm an electrical engineering student, working on my final project, which is: implementing a communication system on the dsk6713. I'm trying to evaluate the actual speed of the communication between the host (pc) and the target card in the following way: the host sen
image transferring
inis it possible to transfer the image from the target(TMS320C6711) to the computer thru RTDX? if possible, plz tell me how to transfer the...
is it possible to transfer the image from the target(TMS320C6711) to the computer thru RTDX? if possible, plz tell me how to transfer the image and the procedures plz...
inHi ! C6x , I have been trying to send frame of processed data periodically to Matlab by using RTDX. Here are some problems I...
Hi ! C6x , I have been trying to send frame of processed data periodically to Matlab by using RTDX. Here are some problems I couldn't figure out. I am using 6711 DSK with PCM3003 daughter card. I have used HWI for data acquisition and for output of the data. Here what I wanted
CCS 3.1 crashes on statistics view
inQuestion - I can debug my C6414 target fine, but if I try to use any of the profiling tools like statistics view or cpu load graph, then CCS...
Question - I can debug my C6414 target fine, but if I try to use any of the profiling tools like statistics view or cpu load graph, then CCS 3.1 locks up on me and I have to kill it via task manager. Anyone know if there is there some trick to getting these tools to work? i.e. some interrupt that needs to be enabled for RTDX or something? (I am using 4.9 BIOS.) Thanks!
Recovering data
Hi, Soon i will implement a video compression algorithm on DM642. I'd like to recover the compressed data, which will be stored in...
Hi, Soon i will implement a video compression algorithm on DM642. I'd like to recover the compressed data, which will be stored in SDRAM, in order to be able to replay the video on the PC. Can you tell me if Code Composer allows us to recover data stored in external memory and to save them in a file on the PC ? Does RTDX allow to do that ?
hsrtdx integrating project
hi i have project of sample target to host on dsp c6713 that sends data throw hsrtdx (high speed rtdx) if i integrate my project to other...
hi i have project of sample target to host on dsp c6713 that sends data throw hsrtdx (high speed rtdx) if i integrate my project to other project it stucks i was wondering how to set up correctly the cmd file ***************8 i have problem with the line ------ BMEM: o=80000000h it sayes two things in the same merory how to corect this ***********************8
Interface of DSK and Matlab
Hi, I am having a problem.I want to interface the DSK to Matlab for online operation (like generating rand number from matlab and...
Hi, I am having a problem.I want to interface the DSK to Matlab for online operation (like generating rand number from matlab and giving it to DSK for system identification like problems) by using RTDX. But i am not able to understand from where to start. if anybody have information please share with me. Thanks, Sagar Check Out Industry's First Single-Chip, Mult...