Forums Search for: C6211
how to inetact with EDMA in c6211
hai i am using c6211 emulator. i have written a program in ASM to initialize EDMA loading data in control registe(EER,ESR) but ,...
hai i am using c6211 emulator. i have written a program in ASM to initialize EDMA loading data in control registe(EER,ESR) but , sometimes it display error while loading : Device driver error: emulator not recomandeng target dsp and/or control register are not load
HPI problem with C6211
inHi, I have a problem with HPI in C6211. I can write and read to and from HPIC and HPIA. But I cannot have reliable read...
Hi, I have a problem with HPI in C6211. I can write and read to and from HPIC and HPIA. But I cannot have reliable read and write to HPID. The only way I can do something is the following: HPIA write 0x2000 HPID++ write 0x12345678
Give me help regarding interfacing simply a dsk C6211 kit
inHello, I am having great problem with the C6211 dsk as i am not able to even start with the kit. i simply...
Hello, I am having great problem with the C6211 dsk as i am not able to even start with the kit. i simply want's to take the input from a Function Generator -> i have already written a program in the CCS for amplifying and one for filtering
the cache of c6211
inhi! I'm new using the c6211 and want to test the benefit of using the cache. But there have something...
hi! I'm new using the c6211 and want to test the benefit of using the cache. But there have something comfuse me: First,I load t
Obsolete Tools: TEB, C6211 etc...
inHi All- I was wondering if some one could help me what reasons go into product obsolence by TI? I am quite intrigued by...
Hi All- I was wondering if some one could help me what reasons go into product obsolence by TI? I am quite intrigued by the fact that, TMS320C6713 DSk, which is acknoledged to be a revision on C6711 co-exists with the latter whereas logically on would have thought
inHi , My problem is: when I use the c6211 Host Port Interface in Autoincrement Address mode, how to terminate the data...
Hi , My problem is: when I use the c6211 Host Port Interface in Autoincrement Address mode, how to terminate the data transfer after some specified count. The doc (peripherals guide) says that I should write into HPIA or HPIC register to te
BSDL files for C6xxx
hi all, i search for the actual BSDL file for the C6211, but i can't find it on the TI http/ftp space. have anyone the server...
hi all, i search for the actual BSDL file for the C6211, but i can't find it on the TI http/ftp space. have anyone the server address? thanks for you, willi
interrupts on c6211 DSK
inI was wondering if anyone could help me with a small, but very urgent, problem. I am trying to get the external interrupts going...
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a small, but very urgent, problem. I am trying to get the external interrupts going by inputting to the pins DB_EINT4 to 7 on the Extended Perpheral Interface (which claim to be outputs in the pin assignments, they could be ri
memory issues......
inhello all, I am working on c6211 based system. I have some memory related problems. I have not yet gone through...
hello all, I am working on c6211 based system. I have some memory related problems. I have not yet gone through memory mangement and its related documents but still I would like to know whether I am thinking in a correct direction or not.
C code that can auto-detect C67x vs. C62x
inAll- Does anyone know where to find a bit of C code that can determine if the underlying CPU is C6701 vs. C6201 (or C6711 vx. C6211)? I...
All- Does anyone know where to find a bit of C code that can determine if the underlying CPU is C6701 vs. C6201 (or C6711 vx. C6211)? I want to build some code with 67x as the target in CCS, but calls fixed-point routines if it's running on a 62x device. Thanks. -Jeff
c6211 DSK Daughter Boards
inHi, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me get my DSK's Daugterboard EMIF working for asynchronous memory elements? I...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me get my DSK's Daugterboard EMIF working for asynchronous memory elements? I can't seem to get the CE2 signal happening at all. I was wondering what you would have to change in the registers etc. and if there is any tric
TMS320C6211 audio example
Hi: I have the following questions: 1- ?Which is the difference between the c6211.cdb template and the dskc6211.cdb? ...
Hi: I have the following questions: 1- ?Which is the difference between the c6211.cdb template and the dskc6211.cdb? 2- The example's manual (SPRA598) shows that you have to select IDRAM in the field called "bufseg" during the configuration of the
Addr. of CSR
inHi all, I am working on C6211 based board. Can anybody please tell What is the address of Control Status Register(CSR)?? I...
Hi all, I am working on C6211 based board. Can anybody please tell What is the address of Control Status Register(CSR)?? I couldn't find it in any of the docs. I want to read CSR through Host Port. So I should know its address. Looking Forward..
Setting up Ext_INT4 for McBSP1 on C6211
Hello everyone.. I'm programming the McBSP1 for SPI interface, with the C6x as the master and my external device as the slave. ...
Hello everyone.. I'm programming the McBSP1 for SPI interface, with the C6x as the master and my external device as the slave. I would like to know if anyone has any example c code on how I might write c code to use the External Interrupt 4. I have read the
Motion Estimation
Hello friends: I am trying to implement a video compression algorithm on C6211 (which has low internal memory for this kind...
Hello friends: I am trying to implement a video compression algorithm on C6211 (which has low internal memory for this kind of application). Looking for expert views on doing motion compensation - mainly with regard to the memory transfers involved in moving blocks that
TMS320C6211 vs. TMX320C6211
inHello all, Does anyone out there know any tricks to determining the difference between the TMS and TMX versions of the C6211?...
Hello all, Does anyone out there know any tricks to determining the difference between the TMS and TMX versions of the C6211? Normally a chip version can be determined by the upper half of the CSR (the 8-bit Chip ID and 8-bit Rev ID)... but in this case it seems that the TMS
Target Initialization Problems.........
inHello all, I have ccs 2.0 and Emulator drivers from Spectrum Digital. I have connected the Emulator (XDS510PP PLUS) to my ...
Hello all, I have ccs 2.0 and Emulator drivers from Spectrum Digital. I have connected the Emulator (XDS510PP PLUS) to my own hardware board(cantains single C6211 processor) and I have configured the ccs in emulator mode. But I am encountering the follo
C6x11 DSK and L2 Cache
Hello all, I have run into something of a conundrum with my C6211 DSK board. I am using an area in lower onchip memory for...
Hello all, I have run into something of a conundrum with my C6211 DSK board. I am using an area in lower onchip memory for program instructions, and attempting to use the rest of the memory for two large data buffers. I am finding that writing to areas in the 0xC200 -> 0xE8
C6x function parameters deleted when called and takes from global
inHi, We are optimizing the G.723.1 speech codec on c6211. The problem i am facing is , when the complier generates the asm ...
Hi, We are optimizing the G.723.1 speech codec on c6211. The problem i am facing is , when the complier generates the asm code,it deletes some function parameters which are passed through function calls when i use the program level optimization i.e -pm option. When I rem
problems with C6211 QDMA
dear all, i try'd to move data with the QDMA in any direction (CSx -> CSy) the problem is in greneral, that the first call to...
dear all, i try'd to move data with the QDMA in any direction (CSx -> CSy) the problem is in greneral, that the first call to the function (see later) didn't move the data corectly. the 2. and higher call do it. the bits in CIPR register are set correct for the end.