
[Fwd: Re: 64kbps PCM]

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x22 years ago

K Seshu Babu- If you look at section 12.4.1, Companding Internal Data, in TMS320C6000 Peripherals (SPRU190D) you will see...

K Seshu Babu- If you look at section 12.4.1, Companding Internal Data, in TMS320C6000 Peripherals (SPRU190D) you will see that what Chen is recommending will not work with the AD535 codec directly. You will have to use a second McBSP port to compress 16-bit data to

Taking samples from codec

Started by m bastan in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hi, Could anyone please tell me an easy way to get samples from AD535 codec while my application is running on the target...

Hi, Could anyone please tell me an easy way to get samples from AD535 codec while my application is running on the target DSK6711 board? I tried to use the probe point to write the value of a varible to an output file, but that gave me unreasonable results. I also tried

How to change the sampling rate of AD535

Started by m bastan in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am playing with sound input using AD355 on DSK 6711. Could anyone please tell me how the change the sampling rate of the...

Hi, I am playing with sound input using AD355 on DSK 6711. Could anyone please tell me how the change the sampling rate of the codec. I am using a BSL library one friend(thanks) posted here. Thanks a lot!

csl error

Started by Fahim Sheikh in TMS320c6x22 years ago 2 replies

hi, I am trying to perform data I/O using the Codec AD535 for DSK 6711 with CCS 2.0. While my aim is to receive a sin wave on...

hi, I am trying to perform data I/O using the Codec AD535 for DSK 6711 with CCS 2.0. While my aim is to receive a sin wave on J7 and process it to J6 DAC, Currently i have generated the wave via code (from

Mcbsp problem

Started by ivanisivic2 in TMS320c6x22 years ago

hi, While receiving data from the codec AD535, the receiver ready bit of Mcbsp0_SPCR register never seem to be set. Although...

hi, While receiving data from the codec AD535, the receiver ready bit of Mcbsp0_SPCR register never seem to be set. Although the following code was working okay, but now apparently, the receiver is never ready,as a consequence "temp" is always zero.Any suggestions as

asking abt the complete steps how to configure flash of dskc6711

Started by Khurram Shehzad in TMS320c6x20 years ago

hi all i have an application running in real time with code size of 67KB now i have to burn it on the flash i have configured h/w...

hi all i have an application running in real time with code size of 67KB now i have to burn it on the flash i have configured h/w interrupts and used(CSL,BSL) to program ad535 for i/o i dont know how flash willl be program ?i want to know exactly what steps are to be followed so that i can achieve my objective if there is any sparu or report or sample


Started by m bastan in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi, When I try to use the BSL API (e.g, for AD535 codec) on 6711 DSK, the compiler cannot find the header files (bsl.h, etc), when...

Hi, When I try to use the BSL API (e.g, for AD535 codec) on 6711 DSK, the compiler cannot find the header files (bsl.h, etc), when I search the \ti directory I cannot find them also. Arent they supposed to be included in CCS 2.1 libraries, since they give the information on &qu

how to generate 64kbps voice signal using AD535 and TMS320C6711

Started by liena_miracle in TMS320c6x21 years ago 4 replies

hi all, i just started my experiment using TMS320C6711 and i 'm first time user using this components. i have assigned to input...

hi all, i just started my experiment using TMS320C6711 and i 'm first time user using this components. i have assigned to input 64kbps througg TMS320C6711.Can you all give an idea how to generate this siganl, and how i can get the example of source code. thank you

Some question about c6711 DSK

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c6x23 years ago

Hi I 'm new in using c6711 DSK. I 've a lot of questions .I don't know how to start learning with c6711 DSK because they don't...

Hi I 'm new in using c6711 DSK. I 've a lot of questions .I don't know how to start learning with c6711 DSK because they don't have user 's manual of DSK.So I try to read many literature but I still confuse. Please help me . 1. Codec of DSK is AD535 . From th

AD535 read without BSL?

Started by the_visitor_or_not in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Hey everybody, Trying to read some signal coming from the jack input of a TMS320C6711 DSK for my student project, I saw there was a...

Hey everybody, Trying to read some signal coming from the jack input of a TMS320C6711 DSK for my student project, I saw there was a possibility to use some API called Board Support Library BSL (see spru432). However, I understood that BSL was no longer supported by TI, so that BSL files are not included with Code Composer (at least, Code Composer v2.1). Is there another way to get the...

configuring UART for blocked Interrupts

Started by faizan_fj in TMS320c6x21 years ago

hi, i m trying to implement a secure telephony device using 6711.the codec ad535 has been configured thruogh Mcsbp to give Blocked...

hi, i m trying to implement a secure telephony device using 6711.the codec ad535 has been configured thruogh Mcsbp to give Blocked interrupts ....i m facing problems with UART (From DSP Global), its not using the Mcbsp and so generating Byte interrupts which is creating too muc

question: where is the output-funtion ??

Started by olaf636 in TMS320c6x22 years ago

hey folks ! i'm a student and have to connect two and more TMS320C6711-DSPs, but have work with DSPs never before. now i have a...

hey folks ! i'm a student and have to connect two and more TMS320C6711-DSPs, but have work with DSPs never before. now i have a simple program to output a sinewave to the AD535-DAC, and my problem is to find the funtion, which calls the ISR "c_int11 ()"-funtion in &qu

information abt ping pong buffering

Started by Khurram Shehzad in TMS320c6x20 years ago

hi i m working on trhe DSP(c6711).i m facing problems in understanding the exact concept of ping-pong based EDMA transfer using...

hi i m working on trhe DSP(c6711).i m facing problems in understanding the exact concept of ping-pong based EDMA transfer using bios csl and bsl. i want to perform read and write operations to local ad535 in the above design block processing if any one has helping material rela

[Fwd: MELP over 6711]

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Pranav- 1) Output as in file output (non real-time) or AD535 codec output (real-time) ? 2) I don't understand your method of...

Pranav- 1) Output as in file output (non real-time) or AD535 codec output (real-time) ? 2) I don't understand your method of addressing C code optimization. Are you thinking that MATLAB code will run on the C6711? Or just to use MATLAB to get some ideas on how bet

EDMA transfer to C6711 DSK onboard codec

Started by s220...@tuks.co.za in TMS320c6x19 years ago 1 reply

Hi there everyone I desperately need to get the following working (I only have a few days) and would really appreciate ANY input...

Hi there everyone I desperately need to get the following working (I only have a few days) and would really appreciate ANY input whatsoever! I am implementing a simple audio player on the C6711 DSK using the onboard AD535 codec for mono audio output. I need the CPU for decoding purposes, while outputting the samples via EDMA. (I am trying a simple ping pong buffering

Transmission of two signals from one output!!!

Started by maya_me04 in TMS320c6x17 years ago 3 replies

Hi all I am using the tms320c6711 dsk to generate a square waveform using the ad535 module and send from the line output of the borad to...

Hi all I am using the tms320c6711 dsk to generate a square waveform using the ad535 module and send from the line output of the borad to control another device. However my device requires to operate two signals that i need to generate from the board but there only one output !!!! Do you have any idea how i can send these two signals on the same output or if the board has another port t...

Porting from dsk 6711 to dsk 6713

Started by puffoinkazzato in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, i've to port my DSP/BIOS application from dsk 6711 to dsk 6713, the problem is that i wrote myself a driver for the codec AD535...

Hi, i've to port my DSP/BIOS application from dsk 6711 to dsk 6713, the problem is that i wrote myself a driver for the codec AD535 and now i need something for the codec AIC23. My application use Serial Port 0 tx interrupt to get data from the codec, have you got some code examples

data values read from Codec

Started by Fahim Sheikh in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

hi all,   I have been accepting data via Mcbsp0 from AD535 codec, the problem i face is that that although the signal applied...

hi all,   I have been accepting data via Mcbsp0 from AD535 codec, the problem i face is that that although the signal applied to A/D converter is square pulse, the received data stored in an array does not change its value, consequently the graph plotted shows a dc pulse, wh

6711 DSK Audio sample code

Started by Chacko Thomas in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am new to 6711 DSK. I am using Audio sample code to read/write audio samples to AD535. Every thing works fine when I ...

Hi, I am new to 6711 DSK. I am using Audio sample code to read/write audio samples to AD535. Every thing works fine when I compile the original code and run it. When I tried to pass the signal through a low pass IIR filter, I get a noise dominated output. I inserted the I

Voice receiving with standart PC microphone using TMS320C6711 Dsk

Started by ahmet emir in TMS320c6x16 years ago

Hello, I created Code Composer Srudio project to receive voice from C6711 dsk input using dynamic microphone .If I use standart PC microphone...

Hello, I created Code Composer Srudio project to receive voice from C6711 dsk input using dynamic microphone .If I use standart PC microphone ,I can't receive voice.How can I change AD535 codec settings to use standart PC microphone? Is TMS320C6711 Dsk suitable for standart PC microphone?