
Re: Questions about C5509

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c55x18 years ago

Nils- > thanks for the answer. So I guess the peripherial bus and its timing is the reason. > Do you know of any manuals for the 5509 that...

Nils- > thanks for the answer. So I guess the peripherial bus and its timing is the reason. > Do you know of any manuals for the 5509 that state the number of extra cycles the > bus tkes? > Not off hand. My guess would be you could ask the TI hotline for a document. They tend to provide such "hands on measurement" docs, like EMIF throughput, if you can demonstrate you need it and the in

USB Audio on C5509

Started by Lance Ralph in TMS320c55x22 years ago

Has anyone successfully implemented an audio interface on the 5509 using the USB API in the CSL? We've been unable to locate any...

Has anyone successfully implemented an audio interface on the 5509 using the USB API in the CSL? We've been unable to locate any sample code and have had limited success with our implementations.

Re: How To Begin Development Today With 5509? :-)

Started by gork...@yahoo.com in TMS320c55x19 years ago

hi; if you have no board or emulator connected to your pc by excluding to see the pll and time options you can check the registers by C5x...

hi; if you have no board or emulator connected to your pc by excluding to see the pll and time options you can check the registers by C5x Functional Simulator meaning by this option you don't need to have a board. i am using 320tmsvc5509a if you need help about codes i can help you.but ican advise you that you should look at dsp-libs at ti's web site for example codes(c cal

C5509 USB Audio Interface

Started by Lance Ralph in TMS320c55x22 years ago

Has anybody been successful in implementing a USB Audio interface on the 5509? My company has experimented with this, but have not...

Has anybody been successful in implementing a USB Audio interface on the 5509? My company has experimented with this, but have not had any luck so far.

Usb boot

Started by collins in TMS320c55x23 years ago 1 reply

Hallo. does anyone have any experience with getting a small module onto the 5509 Development module via a Usb port? I'm sure...

Hallo. does anyone have any experience with getting a small module onto the 5509 Development module via a Usb port? I'm sure Texas must have a small program which will read a .out module and download the code. I just haven't been able to find anything yet. Thanks

Ethernet interface with 5509

Started by kumarabhi123 in TMS320c55x20 years ago

Hello friends ... I want to interface the wiznet W3100A with the TMS320VC5509 controller. Is it possible to do so.I was...

Hello friends ... I want to interface the wiznet W3100A with the TMS320VC5509 controller. Is it possible to do so.I was going through W3100A data sheet there it was written [ The chip offers Intel and Motorola MCU (8051, i386, 6811 tested) bus interface,] , do

C5509 peripherals and 5509 EVM

Started by lfouilhac in TMS320c55x23 years ago

Hi, I am trying to understand the peripherals available on Spectrum Digital EVM : From SD EVM Technical Reference, figure...

Hi, I am trying to understand the peripherals available on Spectrum Digital EVM : From SD EVM Technical Reference, figure 1.1, the McBSP1 is configured as memory stick and the McBSP2 as MMC. Is there any way use the McBSPs as regular serial ports? Tha

USB oddity

Started by ch1n00k71 in TMS320c55x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi Group. I've been developing USB code for 5509/5509A using CSL and CCS 2.20.00. So far everything worked fine. Recently I...

Hi Group. I've been developing USB code for 5509/5509A using CSL and CCS 2.20.00. So far everything worked fine. Recently I upgraded to CCS 2.20.18 and started to observe USB problems for interrupt driven implementation. Setup A 1) Cold reset. 2) Loadi

[Fwd: Re: Sources for good beginner TI DSPs hardware designs?]

Started by Marko Panger AGB Lab in TMS320c55x21 years ago 10 replies

Dear Jean, this may seems like a joke but it isn't. I suggest you to first read the silicon errata of the device you will use....

Dear Jean, this may seems like a joke but it isn't. I suggest you to first read the silicon errata of the device you will use. We have to change our design several times due to the hardware silicon bugs in the 5509. Good luck ! marko jeanpierre

Write to 5509 emif

Started by jalal_habibi in TMS320c55x20 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, I have a problem with write to TMS320C5509 emif. I write to a typical addresse in ce spaces: (IO_PORT = 0x400000)...

Hi all, I have a problem with write to TMS320C5509 emif. I write to a typical addresse in ce spaces: (IO_PORT = 0x400000) like this: *(volatile unsigned int*) IO_PORT = 0xAAAA but CE signals and data signals are not seen. my CE signals does not chan

5509 real time clock address

Started by peejayblack in TMS320c55x20 years ago

Anyone, I'm trying to get the real time clock working on a 5509a I use the code directly from TI's RTC appnote...

Anyone, I'm trying to get the real time clock working on a 5509a I use the code directly from TI's RTC appnote (spra384a). But alway read back 0 from all RTC registers? If I look at the RTC memory locations (0x1800) I get an error reading from


Started by lfouilhac in TMS320c55x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, I have configured the McBSP #1 as GPIO (RRST_ = 0 RIOEN = 1). When I read the voltage on that pin (the pin is not...

Hi all, I have configured the McBSP #1 as GPIO (RRST_ = 0 RIOEN = 1). When I read the voltage on that pin (the pin is not connected, working with 5509 EVM from Spectrum Digital), I read 0 but the DSP read a logical 1 If I link the pin to the ground, the DSP sees a 0.

Re: Write to 5509 emif

Started by patk...@mte-india.com in TMS320c55x17 years ago

Hi Dileepan, I am working with TMS320C5509A emif and facing a similar problem. When I write address for CE spaces no Chip select is...

Hi Dileepan, I am working with TMS320C5509A emif and facing a similar problem. When I write address for CE spaces no Chip select is generated. By default CE signal for CE space CE1 is generated for any address. I am writing address as mentioned by you. Also if I write statement *(int*)0x400000 = 0xFFFF; // CE space 2 as I am using in word mode config where should i be able to see the data ...

(Re hashing an old issue ) Re: USB problem and 5509 silicon revs (re:)

Started by peejayblack in TMS320c55x19 years ago

Has anyone found any answers to the USB issues talked about in this old thread? We are possibly having similar issues. We are using a 5509a...

Has anyone found any answers to the USB issues talked about in this old thread? We are possibly having similar issues. We are using a 5509a (new silicon) USB tranactions are working just fine then Bam..Bam..Bam three back-to-back missed responses halting PC communications (3 and out). The signals seem to look ok. (Sorry about the Top Post) Thanks for any insights PeeJayBlack ...

GPIO 4 can't be read after rfft call

Started by lars...@gmail.com in TMS320c55x19 years ago 4 replies

Hi everbody! I've encountered a strange problem on my 5509 EVM. The display uses GPIO 4 to indicate weather it's busy (low) or not (high)....

Hi everbody! I've encountered a strange problem on my 5509 EVM. The display uses GPIO 4 to indicate weather it's busy (low) or not (high). To read that bit is no problem before I call the dsplib rfft algorithm, but after it doesn't work. CCS says GPIO 4 high but still the program hangs on this instruction: while( !(pGPIO-> iodata & GPIO_4)); Seems

5509 SPI Bootloader and hex55 Problem

Started by gabr...@iis.fraunhofer.de in TMS320c55x18 years ago 3 replies

Hi, I have a problem concerning the c5509 bootloader. I try to boot from a 24bit addressed SPI Flash and I?ve already written a programm that...

Hi, I have a problem concerning the c5509 bootloader. I try to boot from a 24bit addressed SPI Flash and I?ve already written a programm that writes the data to be run into the flash. When i have a look at the SPI-Signals after the DSP comes out of reset i can see that the data, the dsp reads, is correct. My question now is, how to compile the rigth data for booting. I took the .out fi...

How to call dsplib functions? linking error

Started by efei...@gmail.com in TMS320c55x15 years ago 1 reply

I'm using 5509 and CCS 3.1. All include search path and lib search path and head files have been added to my project. But when linking, there are...

I'm using 5509 and CCS 3.1. All include search path and lib search path and head files have been added to my project. But when linking, there are errors like this > > error: linking files for incompatible targets (library 'D:\CCStudio_v3.1\C5500\cgtools\lib\55xdsp.lib', member 'convol1.obj') Thanks.

Problems with porting code from 5509 to 5509A

Started by gabr...@yahoo.es in TMS320c55x19 years ago 1 reply

Hi, Sorry for my bad English. I am design a prototype with the TMS320C5509A, the code is porting from TMS320C5509 to TMS320C5509A, but when...

Hi, Sorry for my bad English. I am design a prototype with the TMS320C5509A, the code is porting from TMS320C5509 to TMS320C5509A, but when is running the dsp halts. I?m not sure about the compiler options was correct, actual settings are: cl55, ar55 and lnk55 v2.04 The program compiles with this options: cl55 -g -qq -ea.asm -eo.obj -ml -v5509 -d"CHIP_5509A" ..... cl55 -z -

about 5509: the large memory model

Started by in TMS320c55x21 years ago 1 reply

hi, I was using a pointer to access the external memory.In the large memory model with the rts55x.lib,I can only access 0x40000 to...

hi, I was using a pointer to access the external memory.In the large memory model with the rts55x.lib,I can only access 0x40000 to 0x7fffff.When I was trying to access 0x800000,the pointer turned to point to 0x000000.Can't the external /CE2 be accessed?Has anyone encountered this pro

Can I change the VID and PID of 5509 USB module?

Started by Xiang Chao in TMS320c55x17 years ago 2 replies

I can find any register to change the VID and PID. After USB bootload finished, my program will setup the USB module and re-enumerate the USB...

I can find any register to change the VID and PID. After USB bootload finished, my program will setup the USB module and re-enumerate the USB device. But I want to enumerate with new VID and PID. thx Chao Xiang ___________________________________________________________ ?????????????????????????????? http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/gc/index.html?entry=5&souce=mail_mailletter_